Monday, May 6, 2013


Tuesday has been a bit of a day. The photos have been roughly sketched over without much success, I felt that the more interesting moments happened when I put the models together in interesting ways and photographed them. From there I attempted to model the hexagon lattice. The model itself is a success, more or less, but it is very tedious and required some actual maths and thinking. I'm impressed that archicad could handle it. I then shuffled it across to max for the more precise and less tedious node movement and the soft selection function, and whilst it works fine it doesn't look that fantastic and leaves me feeling cold. I need to actually design more of a space than a component, and sort of dig in and do it. Judy is currently here and it seems like a waste to utilise her abilities but when I don't really have anything interesting or spatial to show her it doesn't sound productive. Also I think my hexagons are too big, and whilst I can fix this, designing a space is more important. Lastly, Mike and Judy, I am imagining that the main gaming space is a procession through (more or less) a very very large spiral staircase, with the gaming happening on the extensive landing areas. Do you have any ideas about how this would work? It feels like it lacks complexity.
Also, can I post BIMx files here or something so you can feel my work as I am doing it, rather than once or twice a week?

Anyway, here are some images from the day's work. I think I might ask one of the OML guys about how to do this particular element on rhino+grasshopper tomorrow, for this particular aspect at least I think that having it defined parametrically with extra editing power might be an advantage

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