Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Interesting video

I just found an interesting video.

With very limited relevance to my project, but it is really pretty. It might have been done with vectors, i'm not sure. If you're going to watch it be sure to turn the quality to 'original'- it really makes the difference. Here's a link to it:


Monday, March 25, 2013

Thingy from yesterday & mobiles

As promised, here is the document I sent yesterday. I am going back into studio tonight to photograph my mobile, and I will explain it later tonight.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Commitment complete!

The commitment is done! I'll post it later along with some funky images, and some preliminary mobile work


The commitment isn't looking promising. Didn't really click on how to publish on friday, and I don't have time to work out how. The images, whilst lacking both quality and quantity, are also pixelating as I rescale them. Argh.


A bit slack with the updates- i'm in a rush to get this document together for seven pm. We've been assigned a mobile for tomorrow. Some interesting links. looks fairly straight forwards. People have done a lot more work that I have expected. oh dear. Grammar is lacking; sorry, no time to edit.

Fills screenshot

Not the most wonderful effort ever, but it's a start. I saw an 80's inspired music video half way through this with some interesting patterns, so I thought I would have a go at some like them. There was a bit of a spiral trend with them; they were zoomed in on and used as fade ins/fade outs, but I like the 'introspective' and 'downwards spiral' reading of them more. :)

Sunday afternoon

This afternoon, I went into studio, watched a few tutorials on archicad, especially re: the layout for tomorrow's presentation thingy, because the nuances escaped me when mike showed us on friday. I have some more fills, which I am drawing up as I speak, and I will post them up later. In keeping with the guilt concept, I am trying to make fills which give the sensation of being watched, or followed, or disorientating ones. I personally think there is more soul in the vector fill when it doesn't tile properly, and there are little errors here and there. This happens a lot more frequently on curved surfaces, and seeing as I am still running archicad 14 on my laptop, I may not be able to emulate this sensation due to the lack of a morph tool, and we may have to wait for tomorrow morning. I am also intending to do some thinking about the concept and site before turning in tonight. Ciao!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Graphisoft help+ Piranesi

Apparently you can't just download a new version of archicad 16 on a laptop which has archicad 14, despite having a newly validated student licence etc. *sigh* Guess it's into university I go, whilst I wait for graphisoft help to come through.

On a more positive note, though, I have found the work of Piranesi, from Mike's blog. The etchings of Carceri are amazingly dark and gritty, and very beautiful. Whilst he obviously has a fascinating subject (a prison, no less) the lines and emotion conveyed with them are fascinating, and I hope to convey some of this in my own work. For me this work talks about being trapped and hidden away, and the cave-like qualities of the building are a wonder.


Hi guys,

I've just been doing some reading; looking at mike's emails and doing some google-ing, and I think I have found some interesting things to propel my design.

Firstly, guilt. I identified this in the sort of darkened spaces (in the cultivated environment that is Skycity's main gambling hall)- where the 'pokie machine' player is submerged into a darkened playing area, in which they can hide away from their shame and guilt. There is also the technicolour carpet, lucky colours, light contrast, lack of clocks and natural light which adds to the effect, but you get the idea.

When looking for images depicting guilt on google (amazingly lazy, yes I know) the overwhelming image is of a person depicted in stark black and white sitting down with their head in their hands. They are ashamed, they feel like they are being persecuted and watched, they want to hide away and escape their sad reality. It is a particularly dark, introspective moment.

I find guilt particularly interesting, and the hiding/being watched aspect, as well as a 'pit of despair' has been the subject of some of my early work. At this point I would backfill my blog with images of earlier work, but apparently I saved it as archicad 16 files, and as I have archicad 14 and no images to run with, I'm going to have to wait, or update my archicad. Watch this space!



Hello world!

This is the new blog. It's for my third year design paper -looking at casinos. We're also looking at BIM programs. I guess with a bit more engagement I will learn to love them. I endeavour to update this blog three times a day with meaningful progress, in order to guilt-trip me into working more. And my project is about guilt. How appropriate.
